How To Set Goals Like A Rockstar! My Top 10 Tips
Ready. Set. Goal-setting! When was the last time you actually set some goals for yourself? Five, ten, fifteen years ago? Never? You are not alone. The reality is, most people don’t have a clearly defined set of goals. While the concept of setting goals isn’t really groundbreaking, it is important to point out that goal setting is indeed a powerful success tool which many people overlook. Goals allow our brain to focus on exactly what we want, rather than what we do not want. They help us to mentally create our future in advance, they provide us with direction, and they energize us. And, who couldn’t use an extra boost of energy these days?
Here are my tried and true, simple steps on how to set goals like a Rockstar: Disclaimer: Success may be closer than you think!
1. Reality Check.
Before you set a goal, take stock of where you currently are. We all need a starting point. Be honest with yourself and consider each area of your life: health, fitness, finances, relationships, career, spirituality, travel, hobbies and contribution. Choose one area that could use a little kick!
2. Get Crystal Clear.
Get crystal clear about what it is you want to do, make, have or become. Write it down, in detail. Because unless you know what the target is, you can’t aim to hit it! Vague goals produce vague results. Make sure to be very specific.
3. Top Tip: Clarify “How much” and “By when” you would like to accomplish each goal.
It is imperative that your goals are measurable, timely, clear and specific. Setting goals this way increases the likelihood of your goal becoming a reality. A good rule of thumb is to answer the questions “how much” and “by when” for each goal.
4. Set the goal for yourself.
Wanting your daughter to complete her homework on her own every single day isn’t a personal goal. Setting a goal to carve out time each afternoon to support your daughter in completing her homework, is. While we all wish we could impose our goals on someone else, ie: wishing our spouse would magically start emptying the dishwasher daily, it just doesn’t work like that. Focus on yourself and what you need to do to change.
5. Acknowledge the roadblocks.
Think about what may prevent you from accomplishing this goal. What are the internal and external challenges that may potentially arise? Decide how you will deal with them.
6. Find the why.
Figure out your “why,” or the reason behind each of your goals. Why would you like to accomplish this goal? Your answer will fuel you to the finish line. Make sure it is a compelling enough reason to drive your forward. Research shows that when you have a big enough “why” behind your goal, you will indeed work harder to achieve it.
7. Make sure the goal is realistic.
Trying to lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks isn’t realistic, or healthy. Nor is trying to completely change your diet overnight without any wiggle room for a few delicious treats. Plan accordingly.
8. Be motivated.
If you aren’t motivated by your goal, the chances of you following through are very low. Think of all the reasons why you could benefit from accomplishing it.
9. Chunk it down.
If you suddenly find your goal too overwhelming or more time consuming than you had originally planned for, break the task up into smaller, more manageable, less time consuming parts.
10. Be prepared to change course.
Be prepared to be flexible and adjust your goals along the way. Life happens and sometimes we cannot be as proactive as we had originally hoped. Be open to changing your goals, or your action plan. Repeat as often as needed, making sure, however, to keep the original goal in sight!