Feeling Overwhelmed? – Top 10 Secrets to Getting Started – Tips to Combat the Feeling of Overwhelm
Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Don’t even know where to start? Welcome to the club. Even the most successful people feel overwhelmed from time to time. The key- don’t try to do everything at once. Here are some fabulous strategies to help you get started. Right now.
1. Take action! Just start.
Stop procrastinating and get productive. Just do one thing. That one thing will lead to another and create momentum. Put the ball in motion and break the pattern of inaction.
2. Chunk it down!
If your tasks seem too large, break them up into smaller parts. Mini-bite-sized chunks. Then you have my permission to cross off each completed task with a big, fat, red marker!
3. Eat that Frog!
In his international best-selling book, “Eat That Frog” Brian Tracy suggests completing the most challenging task you are faced with, first. Identify the task you want to procrastinate the most on, and start with that. Once you finish, every other task on your to-do list will look much less intimidating and achievable. (And from my experience, you’ll be so proud of yourself that you may even want to do a happy dance!)
4. Motivate Yourself into Action.
Sometimes we just need to be our own cheerleader. Change your mental and physical state. Pump yourself up by listening to your most favorite song, remind yourself of the last big sale you closed, or think of one of your biggest accomplishments to date.
5. Benefits?
Think of all the reasons why you could benefit from finishing the tasks on your to-do list today. Write them all down. Close your eyes and imagine what will it feel like at the end of the day if everything on your to-do list was crossed off.
6. Set a timer.
If you are struggling to even get started, commit to spending only a small amount of time, for example, just 30 minutes, on the task. When the timer goes off, you stop working. Commit to doing it again tomorrow. And the day after. Slow and steady wins the race.
7. Put it in your calendar.
Schedule an appointment to work on this task in your calendar and stick to it. Treat it like a real appointment- and commit to NOT cancelling it.
8. Pressies!
Reward yourself once you are finished with your project. Our brains love rewards. Treat yourself to something- big or small- whatever floats your boat.
9. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Commit to it. No. Matter. What. How? One strategy is to turn your “shoulds” into your “musts.” For example: I should spend more time on marketing my business, I should keep looking for a new job, I should wake up earlier and go for a run… Turns into, I MUST spend time marketing my business in order to serve more clients. I MUST keep looking for a new job so that I am able to work for a company I am truly passionate about. I MUST wake up earlier so that I have some alone time for myself. Still not motivated? Put some money on the line.
10. Find an accountability partner.
Commit to finding an accountability partner- coach, friend, or co-worker to hold you accountable when the times get tough and you want to quit.