Sylt.Beach .Alexandra Terhalle Pink Tiger Coaching

15 All-Time Best Books To Inspire you This Summer!

Use this summer to dive into some brilliant reads which will uplift, empower and hopefully help you to reset and recharge after this long pandemic. You’ll be raring to go come September!  

Don’t have time to sit down and read? Order an audio version and listen to one of these books in the car! You can thank me later. Happy reading!

1. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action by Susan Jeffers

What are you afraid of? Heading back into the workforce, changing jobs, public speaking, failure, what others may think of you, making decisions… whatever it may be, Jeffers offers us practical advice and tools on how to move beyond fear. It is one of my most favorite books and whenever I am feeling anxious about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new, I pick up this book and re-read it. This empowering and life-affirming book will help you triumph over your fears!

feel the fear and

2. 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Robbin’s 5 second rule will help you take the first step and finally get started on your goals. Her motto is “there is never going to be a perfect moment to start.” She encourages you to use the 5 second rule and just take the first step, regardless if you are feeling fearful, completely unmotivated or even uncertain of where or how to begin. Her 5-second rule (a different one than dropping something on the ground and picking it up 5 seconds later!) is something she used to jolt herself out of depression, financial difficulties and unemployment.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This international bestseller has sold millions and millions of copies worldwide for good reason. Dr. Peale’s message of faith and inspiration will motivate you to pursue your goals with self-belief, determination and persistence. I turn to this book often when I need a boost of positivity.

4. Who Moved My Cheese? An A-mazing Deal For You Change Your Work In Your Life by Spencer Johnson

A very short read about four characters who live in a maze and are looking for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Johnson creates a simple parable to address personal and professional change. Change will inevitably happen- here is how to deal with it when it comes knocking at your door. 

5. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

Another international best-seller. If worry keeps you up and night or stresses you out all day long, then you’ve got to read this book. Carnegie offers wonderful strategies and practical advice on how to break the worry habit, overcome fear and anxiety and lead a worry-free life.

6. The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

This magical equation helped Hal overcome insurmountable odds, a miserable life-threatening accident and near financial collapse. His equation is “Unwavering faith + extraordinary effort = Miracles” will help you move from resistance to acceptance and from fear to faith.  By creating unwavering faith, Elrod claims you will be able to create results beyond what you believe is possible. 

7. Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Fankl

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s discusses in-depth his experience with living in Nazi death camps and describes the lessons it taught him about spiritual survival. Viktor Frankl’s argument is that whilst we cannot avoid suffering, we can choose how we cope with it and choose to ascribe a different meaning to suffering. When we do so, we are able to move forward with renewed purpose. A must read. 

yellow fields

8. There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Wayne Dyer

This is one of the first books by a spiritual thought leader I ever read. Dyer shows us that we hold the key to solving any problem. His book is full of advice, explanations and exercises and if you follow it to a “T,” you will start to live a more intentional and meaningful life. 

9. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Looking for your first “self-help” book? Pick this one up and get ready to laugh your way through it. Jen Sincero provides some great advice on how to get motivated and take action. 

10. The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of it by Valerie Young

This book is for any women who may suffer from imposter syndrome. If you’ve got a negative inner critic telling you that you aren’t good enough, smart enough or xyz enough, then you’ve got to read this book. This book will show you how to move beyond feeling like an imposter so that you can finally attain your personal and professional goals.

11. Use What You’ve Got and Other Business Lessons I learned From My Mom by Barbara Corcoran

Barbara Corcoran, multi-millionaire and host of the American show “Shark Tank,” shares invaluable lessons in business and life. Her brilliant book will have you laughing and learning hysterical stories of growing up, getting into trouble and failing miserably in business. Her advice and simple secrets can be used by anyone.

12. Awaken The Giant Within, by Anthony Robbins

Fabulous book about unleashing your inner power and creating the life you have been wanting (but afraid to) live, written by the personal development guru himself, Tony Robbins. 

Sylt.Beach .Alexandra Terhalle Pink Tiger Coaching

13. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

If you are new to what it means to be “present” and “in the now,” this is a must read. By addressing reality, time and perspective Tolle challenges you to see your world differently.

14. Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss

A wonderful, uplifting children’s classic by Dr. Seuss. Full of wit, insight and wisdom for all ages, this book reminds us that we are not alone in this maze of life and if we push on, despite our fears, and through our trials and tribulations, we will reach where we need to go. If you have not read this in a long time, go pick it up again and read it cover to cover. 

15. The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy

A simply lovely children’s book with the most gorgeous illustrations. A must read on those days when you are just feeling a bit blue, helpless or even alone. A book of hope for uncertain times. Deep and insightful.

Which one will you order today? 

Happy reading,


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